309 Import shipments of un1950 aerosols 2210 BOX CLEANNING PRODUCTS UN 1950/ IMO CLASS 2,1/ EMS. F


Product Name: Gorilla Cleaner Safety Solvent (aerosol). Product UN1950, Aerosols, nonflammable, containing substances in Division 6.1, PGIII, 2.2 (6.1),.

SÄKERHETSDATABLAD. FRZ107 - MICROFREEZE EU CIRCUIT COOLER, AEROSOL. I enlighet med Förordning  Extremt brandfarlig aerosol aerosol. Färg färglös. Lukt information saknas.

Un1950 aerosols

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H222;H229 H222 - Extremt brandfarlig aerosol UN 1950 AEROSOLS, 2.1, (D). 14.3. 9. FYSIKALISKA OCH KEMISKA EGENSKAPER. Form aerosol.

UN 1950 AEROSOLS, 2.1, LTD QTY. F-D, S-U. Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EG) nr 1272/2008 (CLP) om klassificering 


Un1950 aerosols

ADR-data för UN1950 AEROSOLER, brandfarliga och 11 ytterligare variant(er) av detta UN-nummer

Applikation : Smörjmedel.

Un1950 aerosols

9. FYSIKALISKA OCH KEMISKA EGENSKAPER. Form aerosol. Färg gulaktig.
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FYSIKALISKA OCH KEMISKA EGENSKAPER. Form aerosol. Färg gulaktig. Lukt ICAO/IATA-DGR. UN 1950 Aerosols, flammable, 2.1.

Nej. Nej. Nej. UN1950. Aerosols, flammable. 2.1. Signalord.
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IMDG Shipping Description: UN1950, Aerosols, 2.1, LTD QTY ICAO Shipping Description: UN1950, Aerosols, flammable, 2.1 NOTE: WD-40 Company does not test aerosol cans to assure that they meet the pressure and other requirements for transport by air. We do not recommend that our aerosol products be transported by air. 15 – Regulatory Information

REGULATORY INFORMATION Description UN1950 Aerosols, 2, ADR ADR/RID-Labels 2 ADN Proper Shipping Name Aerosols, Non-Flammable Hazard Class 2 PG NA Classification Code 5A Special Provisions 63, 190, 191, 277, 913 Description UN1950 Aerosols, 2 Hazard Labels 2 Limited Quantity See SP277 XV. REGULATORY Telefon f r n dsituationer : (+32) (0)52/45 60 11 Sverige: Giftinformationscentralen 08-33 12 31 i n dfall 112 Finland : +358-9-471 977 (Myrkytystietokeskus) Our Aerosols import data and export data solutions meet your actual import and export requirements in quality, volume, seasonality, and geography.